Having been pregnant for nine months and trying beforehand, it didn’t come as a surprise. But what has come as more of a slap-in-the-face-shock, in the nicest way, is the sheer exhaustion of being a new mummy!
When parents say to preggos “get as much sleep as you can”, as a preggo my response was, “well I’m up eight times a night to wee, but that’s not because I’m choosing to do so. I’m trying to sleep but my baby has found my bladder and treats it like a new, fancy trampoline!” What they should have said was “you’re not going to get any sleep for the foreseeable. So value being able to sleep whenever you want to now. When your baby is born you’ll be on their schedule - if they wake every hour, so will you. If they take two hours to fall asleep, you’ll be awake for that, trying desperately to encourage that most valued of commodities: sleep.”
On the plus side you become almost narcoleptic, able to sleep anywhere, any time… if your baby allows! Before Baby a luxury might resemble a spa day followed by a nice dinner and tasty wine. Today I’d prefer a nights uninterrupted sleep over that, seriously! In fact even a half-night, where I’m not half-sleeping, waiting for the tiny love of my life to grumble awake.
Today is going to be one of the hottest of the year so far. My baby isn’t a fan of very warm days, and has decided she will only be on me. All day. And do you know what, I don’t blame her.
So, I’ve set us up, on the sofa with F1 Drive to Survive to keep us amused. And then thought, there must be more that I can do all day… so I’m reviving my blogging! Am pretty certain the posts will be about babies and my experiences, but it would be great to have you along for the read.
Ps. apologies for any typos, am probably doing this one-handed!
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