I went to the MasterChef Live / The Wine Show at Olympia on Friday and came across these awesome finds...
Wine Tourism UK

Did you even know there were wine farms in the UK? Well there are - a lot actually. This fab guide will get you there and give you loads of other useful info! www.winetourismuk.co.uk
Sipsmith London Dry Gin

Fabulous gin, and it's made locally in Hammersmith! www.sipsmith.com
Royal Berkshire Pork

Happy, free-range bacon and sausages. This is some of the most delicious bacon - and they make sausages! And the best part is that the pigs have had a great life: treat it with respect, eat it with respect! www.royalberkshirepork.co.uk
Curry Tree

Making proper curries accessible and easy. Seriously good and seriously popular visit www.currytree.co.uk to see all the different products available. I spent about 15 minutes at least at this stand chatting away, tasting different curries, spices etc and apart from being delicious, they don't contain any junk!
Pixley Berries Cordials

This is seriously delicious! Not from concentrate and to quote them are 'completely free from additives and strange sounding preservatives'. Very refreshing and great in a G&T if you want something a little different! www.pixleyberries.co.uk
The Posh Pinnie:

These Posh Pinnies are adorable and come gift-wrapped in their own boxes! They fit so well, are feminine and practical and they also stock the 'Mini-Pinnie' for children. Visit www.poshpinnies.com for more info and to see their full range.
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